Kentucky Derby hats can cost up to $1,000 – here’s what it’s like to shop for one
Published May 2, 2019, 11:04 AM EDT (click to play the video)
by Kathleen Elkins, CNBC
You can’t attend the “most exciting two minutes in sports” without donning a hat. It’s been a Kentucky Derby tradition for decades. Plus, wearing a hat to the Derby is believed to bring good luck. Some race-goers are even willing to spend up to $1,000 to land the perfect accessory to their outfit.
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Blog Post “How I hatted the 143rd Kentucky Derby Winner”
By Lisa Shaub
DId you know that Lisa Shaub Fine Millinery was chosen by the 143rd Kentucky Derby winner for her Derby day winning hat? Read all about it in Lisa Shaub’s blog article, “How I hatted the 143rd Kentucky Derby Winner”(Read More)
Lisa Shaub Fine Millinery – An Interview with NYC Hat Maker Lisa Shaub
Published 22 January, 2018
by Laura LaVelle, Newswhistle
I first encountered Lisa Shaub years ago at her original store on Mulberry Street and I bought a winter hat that I loved. Some years later, having lost it at a party, I bought a similar one from her booth at the Grand Central Holiday Market as a replacement. I looked her up again recently to buy yet another similar hat as a Christmas gift and visited her store in her current location on the lower east side to pick it up.
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Chemotherapy Hat Fashion – How to Look Fabulous While Coping With Hair Loss
Submitted on April 21, 2009
By Lisa Shaub
If you are being treated for cancer and have experienced hair loss due to chemotherapy treatment you may consider buying a hat to protect yourself and to look good. While some people like wigs others feel they are uncomfortable and hot. The advantage of wearing a hat is that it is cooler, lighter, and can make you feel great. As a custom milliner with my own New York City hat shop and 20 years of experience I would like to offer my help in choosing a hat that solves specific problems. (read more)
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